
依循近日制定的2010年个人资料保护法令,以及作为我们为了确保您个人资 料受到保护作出的持续努力,我们欲通过此声明告知您亚洲时报将如何处理您 的个人资料。。在本声明中,“亚洲时报”指马来西亚,亚洲时报有限公司。

亚洲时报保留更改本通知的权利。作为我们尊贵的顾客或客户,我们建议您 定时查阅本通知以获知最新的更新与更动。


一般上,您的个人资料,比如您的姓名、地址、电子邮件(或其他联络信息)、 身份证号码、岁数、性别、职业以及其他财务信息会通过多种方式被收集。这 可包括:








虽然您作为顾客或客户拥有决定您所愿意提供的资料的权利,然而我们可能还 是会要求您向我们提供相关的必须性资料,以让我们处理您的申请和为您提供 服务。若您选择不提供有关资料,我们可能因此无法向您提供我们的服务与产 品。

我们如何使用您的资料? 我们将在以下用途的日常业务过程中使用您的个人资料:






作为向亚洲时报、我们的代理人和第三方的其他单位/部门/组织进行策略性 联盟、交叉销售、营销和促销的用途;



执行和/或管理向您提供的产品和服务,包括回收债务和执行我们或我们分 支机构的权利和义务;






虽然我们只有在现行法律/方针的被允许披露范围内和/或在您同意该项披露的 情况下才会披露您的资料,但为了向您提供更好的服务,我们可能还是会向如 以下列出的某些类别的对象披露您的资料(财务信息除外):



亚洲时报以及我们位于马来西亚内外的分支机构内的其他部门、组织和/ 单位,以让您跟进您可能有兴趣的最新营销和促销优惠;

监管、政府机构或其他执法当局。这是在被要求或授权这么做,以履行在任 何法律下或与任何庭令或法庭判决相关的任何监管性职能的情况下;


我们的专业顾问,包括律师、会计师、稽核员、保险公司和经纪。相关人士 在提供服务或咨询时需要基本的知情权;

辅助您有关与任何机构的信贷额度设施、户口、产品和/或服务的要求 或交易买卖;

我们将确保上述的相关方将采取合理的措施来保护我们所向他们披露 的您的资料,以确保这些资料获得保密。


作为我们尊贵的顾客或客户,您可通过完成在我们的网站和各分行都可 获取的服务要求表格作出以下要求:



撤回您对于我们处理或使用您的个人资料所给予的同意。 您可在我们任何一间邻近分行提交填妥的服务要求表格以让我们作进一


若您要求使用我们所保存的您的个人资料,我们将在接收到您的要求的 二十一(21)天之内给您作出回应。您需要为有关要求缴付行政费用。



Asia Times Sdn. Bhd., No. 2, KM 1, Jalan Tuaran Bypass, Inanam Laut, 88450 KK, Sabah.

Email: atreply128@gmail.com

Use of personal information

By engaging us to provide products and services to you, by accessing and using our website, by submitting contest form or by interacting with us, you hereby agree, consent and authorize Asia Times Sdn. Bhd. and any of its related companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and associate companies, including those established in the future (collectively “Asia Times”) to process, use, retain, share and/or disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the Purposes stated herein. 

What Types Of Personal Information We May Collect From You?

The personal information collected by us may include, but not limited to, the followings:-
(a) Name;
(b) Address;
(c) Phone Number;
(d) Fax Number;
(e) Date of Birth;
(f) Email Address;
(g) Gender;
(h) Identity Card Number; or
(i) Credit Card Information

Purposes Of Collecting Your Personal Information By Us

Personal Information that you provide to us will be Processed (as defined in PDPA 2010) for the following purposes:-

        (a).     to process your application and/or request for our products and/or services;
        (b).    to verify your identity;
        (c).     to complete transactions with you, manage and verify your membership of our customer loyalty scheme where applicable;
        (d).    to provide you with the products and/or services you have requested or subscribed;
        (e).     to understand and analyse our sales, your needs and preferences;
        (f).     to develop, enhance, market and provide products and services to meet your needs;
        (g).    to conduct marketing activities;
        (h).     to provide you with information on our and third party products, services, and offers which may be of interest to you;
        (i).      to send you festive messages, promotional messages, special offers and vouchers;
        (j).      to send you event invitations organised by Asia Times, our partners and advertisers;
        (k).     to send you material, updates, or information about events, conferences, seminars, talks which may be of interest to you;
        (l).      to determine how we can improve our services to you;
        (m).   to process exchanges or product returns;
        (n).     to investigate and resolve any service issues;
        (o).    to keep in contact with you and better manage any business relationship we have with you;
        (p).    to send you updates on our products, news and events, promotions and rewards, special privileges and initiatives of Asia Times, our partners and advertisers;
        (q).    for debt collection purposes;
        (r).      to respond to requests or complaints;
        (s).     to enable you to participate in promotions and contests.
        (t).      to meet legal and regulatory requirements; or
        (u).     for all other purposes incidental and associated with any of the above; collectively known as the “Purposes”.  

Disclosure of Personal Information

Asia Times will treat all information we hold about you as private and confidential. In order to provide our products and/or services to you, we may need to disclose your personal information to the following third parties:-

(a) law enforcement agencies;
(b) government agencies;
(c) companies or individuals that act as our agents, contractors, service providers and/or professional advisers;
(d) any financial institution and charge or credit card issuing companies with which you have or propose to have dealings;
(e) our business associates and strategic partners in or outside Malaysia;
(f) our auditors, consultants, accountants, lawyers or other financial or professional advisers;
(g) any parties to whom you have given us your express or implied consent to disclose;
(h) any third parties which we deem fit; and/or
(i) to such other parties as may be permitted under the laws of Malaysia.

How To Contact Us:-
You may contact us at the following contact points should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy or you wish to have inaccurate information of you to be corrected:

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will keep this Privacy Policy under regular review and we may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice. The updated version shall apply and supersede all previous versions. It is advisable that you check this Privacy Policy on a regular basis.